Call for Papers


The International Symposium on Computer Architecture is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture. The conference specifically seeks particularly forward-looking and novel submissions. Papers are solicited on a broad range of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture
  • Parallel and multicore systems
  • Data-center scale computing
  • Architectures for handheld and mobile devices
  • Application-specific, reconfigurable, or embedded architectures
  • Accelerator-based architectures
  • Architectures for security and virtualization
  • Power and energy efficient architectures
  • Interconnection networks
  • Instruction, thread, and data-level parallelism
  • Dependable architectures
  • Architectural support for programming productivity
  • Network processor and router architectures
  • Architectures for emerging technologies and applications
  • Effect of circuits and technology on architecture
  • Architecture modeling and simulation methodology
  • Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems