If you need daycare services the hotel suggests the following provider. You'll have to make arrangements directly with the provider. They come highly recommended but ultimately this is your decision to make. They charge by the hour and have a minimum number of hours they will charge for. If there is interest from more than 10 participants they will be able to offer group rates as well. Please do mention “ISCA” when contacting them.

Improv Care., Phone: 647 983 7309, http://www.improvcare.ca

SIGARCH will be able to provide some financial support. Here's how you can apply:


SIGARCH supports two programs - the companion assistance program and the child-care travel support program to help with SIGARCH members who need to attend SIGARCH events but need assistance. Details are at http://www.sigarch.org/about-us/grants-and-support-programs/.

Disbursement policy

Currently, SIGARCH is using the following policy

  Applicants follow the instructions on the web-page and send requests to SIGARCH treasurer: treasurer_SIGARCH@acm.org
  SIGARCH treasurer reviews the applications and as long as they are consistent with the policies, approves. 

We will approve applications on a case-by-case up to $10,000 per program or subject to the SIGARCH budget constraints for that year. In the past we have adopted a first-come first-serve policy, but in May 2016, we updated the policy to have a deadline one week before the early registration deadline, with an expected response before the deadline. Applications will be considered together and if the demand is more than what we had budgeted for, we will consider providing a subset of the funds requested or potentially using a more needs-based prioritization among the applicants.